Spring Cleaning, how we deep clean our kids rooms!

The last few weeks since the weather has been more sunny and the temps have been warming up I’ve started ‘nesting’, Spring cleaning nesting that is :) Every year about this time, I always get the biggest urge to clean, organize and re arrange ALL THE THINGS! Are you like that too? It’s like all of a sudden you need to clean every baseboard that you never cared about, and organize every drawer that was obsolete last week lol. One of the spaces we always need to tend to and organize a few times a year are the kids rooms. And when I say 'tend to’ I mean do a BIG deep clean. Part of the kids routine during any given day is to do some picking up in their room, make their beds, put away their laundry and toys, wipe surfaces, water their plants and take out their garbages etc. But even with this upkeep, somehow their rooms get super crazy unorganized FAST and need a lot of help at least twice a year. I decided to start with Mia’s room, as she was wanting to fit in a new table, and that meant we had to rearrange and get rid of some things to be able to fit it in.

Usually when we are doing a proper deep clean of our kids rooms, it’s takes a whole day! So this particular day I decided I would film the process (with Mia’s permission of course) because I thought this was PRIME blog material ;) To give a quick run down, the first thing we do is gather any laundry and or sheets/blankets that need to be washed and get those going in the washer. Then we start opening up drawers and bins and take everything out and begin going through them bit by bit. We pull out any garbage (yes for some reason my kids like to keep packages, and tags and every little crumpled piece of paper they can) so we have a big garbage bag open and start throwing out anything that is garbage and or broken. Then we set up various piles, ‘hair accessories’ is one, (you wouldn’t believe how many clips and elastics we find when we organize!) Then we have a Barbie pile, a doll clothes pile, a book pile, a lego pile, all the little nick knack toys pile etc. And we sort as much as we can into their respective piles to get ready to go back in their proper bins and places. We always do a big clean up of under the bed, which is always the kids least fave, but somehow they always end up stuffing SO MUCH STUFF under their beds and it needs to be dealt with. On this day we we were actually moving furniture, so we wiped baseboards and walls, and did a lot of dusting and vacuuming to get the space ready to go. I always bring out the ‘magic eraser’ and go along their walls and scrub off all the scuffs and marks that have built up over the months. I wipe down their dressers and shelves, and put the clean sheets back on the bed. I like to open the window while we clean to bring in lots of fresh air! The thing that takes the longest is always sorting the toys, but once it’s done, the kids are always so happy to have their toys back in place and they often play with their toys much better and longer after organizing them.

It’s a lot of work, but so worth it to teach the kids about taking care of their things, and keeping their rooms a nice place to live in and play in. I also find it a great way to start teaching about not holding onto material things, which my kids find SO hard not to do. They want to keep every little thing, and I am trying to show them that that isn’t necessary or good. It will take years I am sure, but every time we do this, I know it helps! We filmed clips throughout the entire day and compiled them in the video below, so take a peek and enjoy seeing our crazy cleaning organizing day ;)

Thanks for watching!

Happy cleaning and stay cozy friends,



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