This or That?


I wanted to post something super low key and fun this week and I have been loving seeing these ‘this or that’ posts on Instagram lately, so I decided to go all out and pick 50 of my favourite ‘this or that’ questions to answer for you today! I asked them to my kids, and it was so neat to see how DIFFERENT all their answers were, and why they chose the answers they chose. I love how God puts people of all different personalities and tastes together and they become a family and it just works so well. As you go through the questions, be sure to answer them yourself! Some of them are just completely silly, and some are actually thought provoking! Here we go…

Cats or Dogs?

Do I even need to answer this one for you??? :) DOGS 100%, they are definitely ‘man’s best friend’ (women too of course) I have always been a dog lover, and I know we will always have a dog (or two) in our home. I love how they are loyal to you and just want to be with you and comfort you.

Tea or Coffee?

Coffee :) ever since I was young I loved the smell of coffee when my Dad would make it in the mornings, it’s such a yummy, comforting treat and a great way to wake up in the morning. I have one cup of coffee a day, and 1 cup of tea, tea is great too, but first COFFEE :)

Beach or Pool?

Beach, because salty ocean air, the sound of the waves, the sand in your toes, and the sun on your face. Need I say more?

Bus or Train?

Train, I used to take the train to Toronto from Montreal when we lived in New York, and it was a nice easy way to travel. Fun to look out the window at everything passing by, you can read a book, listen to music and the trip always goes by fast.

Pink or Blue?

PINK! But the funny thing is, growing up I loathed the colour pink, until about age 19 when I started teaching preschool and all the little girls wore pink everyday, and it made me love it again :) now blush pink is my fave colour.

Quiet or Loud?

Definitely quiet, which is exactly opposite of my house on any normal day ;) but I am not one that loves hustle and bustle, quiet and calm is where I recharge.

Hot or Cold?

Cold, which I know is the unpopular opinion! While I love all the summer time activities, like canoeing, swimming and hanging out on the dock, I DO NOT like hot humid weather, which is why I am quite happy during the chilly winter months.

Singing or Dancing?

Dancing :) everyone needs a good dance party now and then to relax and shake it all out! Plus I grew up dancing ballet, and to this day I still love it and watching it. I live vicariously through Mia who is the little ballerina now.

Sunrise or Sunset?

Such a hard one, but I would say sunset, because I kind of like the ‘end of the day’ time, where things quiet down and you get ready to get cozy for the evening (hence my love of quiet). While sunrises are equally as beautiful and colourful, there is something so calming about a sunset.

Night or Day?

This is also hard to choose, but I’d say night, because again that would be my quiet time of the day where I can either relax, or get a bit of computer work done without being interrupted. Plus I have always loved the moon and stars, and the sound of the crickets :).

Sweet or Savoury?

Savoury for sure! I don’t have a sweet tooth, if I am craving a ‘treat’ or junk food I’d definitely go for something savoury or salty, like nachos & salsa, or french fries. What’s worse, craving sugar or salt? I would also get much more excited about the main course portion of a meal, then the dessert!

Clean or Messy?

Clean :) all those years of watching my parents take good care of their home really rubbed off on me, and now I really do like to keep a picked up and clean home. Of course the kids rooms get quite messy as well as our school room, but the kitchen, bathrooms and living room are pretty much always tidy. Organizing drawers and cupboards is a whole new story though, that’s where my messiness comes through.

Jeans or Leggings?

Leggings, once you try them you don’t go back LOL. When I put jeans on that must mean that Mama is going out to a photo session, or church haha.

Stay in or Go out?

Stay in, my husband makes fun of me for this one, but I am a homebody and I can’t deny it…I do need to get outdoors everyday, but I am quite content to be home. It probably goes back to the fact that going out drains me, Introvert life :)

City or Country life?

Absolutely country life! There is something about nature that really brings me close to God and gives me peace and refreshment, so I don’t think I could ever permanently live in a city. Especially now that I’ve lived the lake life the past few years, it would be really hard for me to go back. Cities are fun to visit for a short time though!

Rainy day or Sunshine?

There is something really nice about both rainy days and sunny days, but if I can only choose one, I’d say sunny, because this is the time of year when I am really craving that natural vitamin D on my skin!

Talking or Listening?

Listening, I’ve been told that I am a good listener, and I do enjoy listening to people and letting them feel heard and understood.

Olympic medal or Academy Award?

Olympic medal for sure! How cool would it be to be super good at an Olympic sport? We really enjoy watching the Olympics when they come around every few years, and I love the dedication and drive that all the athletes have. I am so impressed by them!

Be your own boss or work for someone else?

Be my own boss, I have had lots of jobs where I work for other people and it’s OK, but since having my own business I really do like being able to make decisions, be creative and use my ideas, and make my own hours etc. it’s hard work to do it, but to me it’s worth it.

Mermaid or unicorn?

I am going to go with Mermaid, because yes they are real, one lives in my house and her name is Mia ;)

Hawaii or Italy?

Hawaii, Chris and I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, I feel like it would be a really nice place to live and not just vacation actually, but I’d miss having seasons. We really hope to visit Hawaii one day! The tropical foliage would be a dream for me!

80s or 90s?

80’s all the way :) I was born into the 80’s so they have a special place in my heart, and I LOVE 80’s music, it’s honestly one of my fave genres, they just don’t make music like that anymore ;)

Fiction or non-fiction book?

Fiction, I like a good story! When I think back to all my favourite books, they are all Fiction.

Rock climb or scuba dive?

Scuba dive, because I think it would be really cool to swim with dolphins or whales or turtles, and feel like a mermaid!

Good news first or bad news first?

Bad news, rip off the bandaid and get it over with then finish off with something positive. I won’t enjoy the good news as much, if I know the bad news is coming.

Give gift or receive gift?

Give! I truly love giving gifts, and seeing people’s reactions to what you’ve put thought in to give to them, or make them, it’s definitely way more satisfying then getting a gift.

North or South?

North, the south is nice, but I have to stick to my Canadian roots ;) I love the trees up here and the rugged feel. True North strong and free!

Locked or unlocked?

Locked, coming from the city I lock everything, but not many people up here lock anything…they leave their homes, cars, garages, everything open. I do not, I feel safer if I lock the house before I leave.

Call or text?

Text!!!!!!!! I am not a good ‘phone’ convo person, I would way rather talk to someone in person then on the phone. I actually have to talk to people on the phone quite a bit for my job (wedding photographer) when doing meet and greets with our many out of town couples, or when they call to ask questions about the different packages we offer etc. So while I don’t like it, I still do it often. But texting is just so easy!

Private jet or private island?

Private jet! Just imagine, flying on a private jet you could go anywhere! I think my husband would be happy with this because then we would travel a lot more ;)

Antique or brand new?

Antique, I love anything antique or with character. I think I get that from my Nanny because she always had beautiful antiques around her home. I love the look and story behind old weathered things. I could browse an antique store for hours and hours, you’d have to rip me away!

Apples or oranges?

Oranges, I love all citrus fruits.

Live in a tree or under a tree?

Oooo, this is a good one, I’d say IN a tree because I think that would be pretty cool to say that you lived in a tree house. I’ve seen some pretty amazing ones on YouTube that I could definitely live in, closer to nature :)

Be famous or not be famous?

Ahh, NOT famous, it seems like an awful job to be famous and having people watching your every move, I am happy to be more inconspicuous ;)

Fireman or policeman?

Fireman! I have to support my firefighter husband and all of the amazing volunteer firefighters he works with, they are all awesome at what they do, and I am thankful for people like them that serve the community.

Trees or flowers?

This is like asking me to pick a favourite child!!?! How can one ever pick??? I guess if I really could only pick one, I would say trees, because what would the world be like without trees? When people cut down live trees to build, it literally breaks my heart!

Inside or outside?

Outside! By reading all the above questions I am sure you totally figured that ;) I am a full fledged nature lover.

Alone or crowds?

Does anybody like ‘crowds’ ? haha….I don’t want to be completely alone, but also not in a big crowd lol! Can I be ‘alone’ with a few others?

Moonlight or Candlelight?

Moonlight. When we get a full moon up here it is SO beautiful to see everything lit up at night, you can literally see your shadow sometimes the moon shines so brightly, I love that! Candle light is great too, we get to do that a lot since the power goes out so frequently haha.

Paint or draw?

Paint! Mia and I have been practicing watercolour painting every week since January, and we are really enjoying it! I love any nature watercolour, and even some abstract watercolour art, it’s so beautiful.

Apple pie or blueberry pie?

Classic apple pie is always a fave.

Fireplace or campfire?

Another hard one! I don’t have a fire place at this house, I did at my last home and I loved using it. But I’d have to say campfire, because they have the element of being outdoors, and who doesn’t love toasting a marshmallow!?

Running or walking?

Walking, I love taking long walks, long runs….not so much anymore!! I can walk for hours though.

See or hear?

See, I can’t imagine not being able to see, and I think it’s something we definitely take for granted.

Read or write?

Another tough one, in the end I think I’d say write, because it’s one of my hobbies and I really enjoy it, I would definitely miss it if I couldn’t do it anymore. You can be creative when you write, but not really when you read.

TV on or TV off?

TV OFF please :) One of my biggest pet peeves is when a TV is on that no one is even watching. In our house the TV is only on if someone is actually sitting down to watch a specific show, and then we turn it off.

Pancakes or waffles?

Both are delicious, but I’d have to say pancakes because both my Dad and Husband make really good ‘Saturday morning Pancakes’ and I love the fluffiness of them, and how you can eat a bunch of them. With waffles I feel like I can only have one, haha.

Spontaneous or planned?

I love a good spontaneous outing, or project! It’s fun to just get up and decide to ‘go for it’ with something without planning too much. I bet all you type A planners are cringing at that thought ;)

Scrabble or Monopoly?

Both are so good! I think i’d day Scrabble because I love any games that have to do with making words, or words in general. Bananagrams and UpWords are also so good.

Lake or Ocean?

As much as I love the majestic look of the Ocean and all the animals that live in the ocean, I think I would pick a Lake, because I love the character of each different lake, surrounded by trees and rocks, and the fresh water. Lake’s are rustic and beautiful, have character, and there are so many of them all over Canada!

That was so much fun! I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed answering them :) and I hope yo have a great weekend :)

Stay cozy,



Spring Cleaning, how we deep clean our kids rooms!


Homeschool Life Q&A!