The Blog

About Me Chris Somers About Me Chris Somers

Welcome to Our Cozy Lake House

As 2018 is quickly coming to an end, I’ve found myself thinking of different goals and things that I wanted to accomplish and stick to this coming year. Among the ‘old faithful’s’ like eating healthy, and getting into a good workout routine, I have really had the desire to put new life into my blog, and continue on this blogging journey…


I started my first blog when Ben (our firstborn who is now 12) was a baby, we had moved to New York and I wanted a way to log our memories and share them with family and friends back home. I’ve kept up with blogging in different capacities since then, but have usually posted quite sporadically, and never really thrown myself full tilt into it. Blogging combines two of my favourite things, which are writing, and photography, and it’s been such a great creative outlet for me a homeschooling mom of 3, so in the new year ahead I want to pour more into this little blog of mine! I want to use it to share and encourage others, and I want to post once a week (yup, hold me to it!) I want people to enjoy reading it just as I have enjoyed reading others blogs over the years, and I want to continue to log our memories and moments as the kids are growing more every day. So….welcome to ‘Our Cozy Lake House’ where I hope to share all things homebody, DIY projects, favourite recipes, outdoor exploring, homeschooling encouragement, parenting, faith, devotions, family, basically everything that happens under the roof of our little home, and the outside too of course ;) I would love for you all to follow along, and I hope to see you in the comments too!

stay cozy,



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