my goals this fall...
Fall has arrived very quickly up here, last week I was reading a book by the water in my flip flops watching the kids swim, and this week we are trying to find shoes and socks and sweaters and wondering if we will be warm enough without the heat on at night. I love living where the seasons change and Autumn has always been one of my favorites! The leaves have already started changing to vibrant colours, and there is a crisp smell in the air that hasn't been there since the spring time when all the snow thawed. We are spending time as a family this week, just catching up after a busy summer. My reverse bucket list summer was a bit busier then I had anticipated with all the guests we hosted, but though busy it was at the same time so lovely to share our lake with so many friends and family and that brought so much joy! So we are winding down from summer this week, just our family of 5, and doing things like taking walks, long hikes and canoes, getting the homeschool room ready, and running errands to Costco to stock up for the next few months. Chris has had time to work on some projects in his workshop, and I love seeing him have the time to be creative and do something he loves. The kids have been playing outdoors as much as possible and just roaming and enjoying the last of the 'warm' weather. It's been really good to have this week to get grounded before starting school.
At the start of this new school year, I have some personal goals and habits that I'd like to stick to, and so I thought by writing them down and sharing them I'd be more apt to really do them! They are simple goals but ones that I hope will bring some good balance to this busy Mama life of raising children. Maybe some of you will even try to do them with me ;)
-Take a long walk every day! When we first moved here, I was taking Ruby for a long brisk walk every evening after I tidied up after dinner, then the bugs arrived and summer got busier and I got out of the habit. It was the perfect way to unwind after the day and get in a good exercise and fresh air. Oftentimes I put in my headphones (only in 1 ear so I can still hear cars coming as we don't have sidewalks up here!) And I play worship music and just be quiet and recharge.
-Have a 'quiet time' in the word every day! This is always something I strive for, and it is always on my list of goals. Sometimes depending on the day it can only be 5 minutes and sometimes if the day allows it can be 45 minutes, but taking that time is essential to my walk with God, to pray and read his word and humble myself as I learn from Him.
-Write in my 1000 Gifts journal 3 times per week! I absolutely love my 1000 gifts journal, where I write down and number the things I am thankful for. I go through phases with it, but I want to be sure to write in it at least 3 times per week! Still doing my best to get to that goal of 1000 numbered blessings! Being thankful is an amazing way to bring us closer to Christ.
-Get back to practicing Yoga a few times per week! This is something I also go through phases with, but I am always feel better when I do it, Yoga is my favourite way to exercise, and even though it can be hard to find quiet time during the day with having the kids home, it usually only takes 20 minutes and I am always glad I do it! The goal is to do it at least a few times a week this fall and see where it goes!
Take more pictures for myself! You read that right, not take pictures OF myself, but for myself :) As a photographer sometimes I save the 'big camera' for only my clients, but I want to make a point to take more pictures just for me, and more photos of the kids just doing what they are doing and not posing. I've grown to really love taking photos of nature and I want to continue to do that at least once a week going forward. When you have your phone camera readily available all the time to easily snap pics, it can make it hard to find the motivation to take out the real camera, but I am always so glad I do it!
And lastly, I want to write more! Writing is something I have always loved since I was quite young and something that brings me great joy, so going into the cooler weather, I want to try and write every week, wether on my blog or a letter or just in a journal. Maybe even get a bit better at that grammar thing ;)
These are just some personal goals for myself and I hope I can keep up with them this fall, being a homeschool mama I don't have much "me time", but if I give realistic expectations and do my best to keep up, I think these will be really positive things! Let me know if you are doing any of these things too, also I would love to hear of your favourite ways to take some re-charge time for yourself, I always love hearing from you. Thanks so much for reading ;)
UPDATE: I wrote this last week, then never posted it until today! We started homeschooling again this week, and I have definitely been keeping up with taking a long brisk walk every night (I call it 'walking with a purpose') :) more quiet time in the word, and taking pictures for pleasure! Just need to get on the yoga train now ;) #babysteps